
AviClear™ is the only FDA-approved device to treat mild to severe acne in three quick 30-minute sessions.

Unlike most traditional acne treatments such as Accuntane, AviClear™ is free of harmful side effects, free of chemicals and toxins, and safe for all skin types and tones. After treatment, mild symptoms such as redness, inflammation and flareups are normal but fade quickly.

AviClear™ is safe for adolescents and adult patients of all skin types, suffering from mild, moderate, and severe acne.

What is AviClear?


An AviClear™ treatment session takes anywhere from 15-45 minutes.


Patients can resume normal activities and wear makeup or sunscreen immediately after treatment.


Patients report seeing a noticable improvement in their acne after just one or two AviClear™ sessions.


87% of patients saw at least half of their acne clear in the first six months after treatment (up from 80% at three months).

See your skin in a whole new light


  • First, Dr. Lui will shave any excess hair. clean your skin, and take before photos. The actual laser treatment takes about 30 minutes. Afterwards, she will apply a a broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunblock and review post-treatment care. Then you’ll schedule your next appointment!

  • The treatment features AviCool™ sapphire skin cooling and sensory controls for increased comfort. You may notice a light snapping sensation on your skin. In clinical trials, everyone tolerated treatment well, with out the need for pain therapy or stopping treatment!

  • There are no serious side effects from AviClear™ and no downtime after treatment! You may experience mild redness or swelling that could last from one hour up to two days.

    You may have acne flareups, but they are temporary and should go away with time.

    You should apply SPF 30+ sunblock daily and avoid direct sunlight throughout your treatment duration.

  • Yes! AviClear™ is a safe, effective and drug-free alternative to traditional acne treatments. Its an ideal treatment for anyone suffering from mild, moderate or severe acne, and can treat it in a few months instead of over many years!